Hermandad y Cofradía de Nazarenos de Ntra. Madre y Sra. de las Lágrimas y San Nicolás de Bari

The strength of the youngest members of San Nicolás de Bari church has been paramount to thrive this procession in the Easter Tuesday night. Despite of being recently founded in 2012, “La Virgen de las Lágrimas” gets to move people at the very first moment after leaving “La Trinidad” church.
Do not miss the first Procession of Penance at midnight in its church, San Nicolás.


  • Start time: 9.00 p.m. from the church of La Trinidad
  • Arrival Time: Approximately 0’30 a.m. in the church of La Trinidad


© Copyright - Unión de Cofradías de Semana Santa de Úbeda. Creado por Antonio José Jiménez Expósito
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