Cofradía Sacramental y Hermandad Salesiana de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo en su Prendimiento, María Stma. del Auxilio, San Juan Evangelista y San Juan Bosco

According to the Ubeda’s Easter chronology, Easter Wednesday night gets us to the north of the town to see the leaving of “El Prendimiento” procession. It represents the moment in which Jesus Christ is going to be arrested in the presence of Judas.

The throne dimensions will surprise you as well as the Procession of Penance of this brotherhood at San Isidoro church at dawn.


  • Start time:  10.00 p.m. from the church of Los Salesianos
  • Arrival Time: Aprox. 02’30 a.m. in the church of Los Salesianos


© Copyright - Unión de Cofradías de Semana Santa de Úbeda. Creado por Antonio José Jiménez Expósito
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