Hermandad Franciscana y Cofradía de Nazarenos de Ntro. Señor en su Sentencia y María Stma. de las Penas

Easter Thursday night is the night par excellence of Ubeda. Going from the north of the town, “La Sentencia y MaríaStma. de las Penas” will fascinate to everyone in its way to Santa Clara convent, where the Procession of Penance is done by the brotherhood’s members at dawn.

Do not miss the chance of the Procession of Penance or its return to San Pedro neighborhood almost in the early morning.


  • Start time: 10.15 p.m. from the church of Santa Teresa (San Pedro neighborhood)
  • Arrival Time: Aprox. 04’00 a.m. in the church of Santa Teresa (San Pedro neighborhood)


© Copyright - Unión de Cofradías de Semana Santa de Úbeda. Creado por Antonio José Jiménez Expósito
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