Real Cofradía del Santísimo Cristo de la Humildad y Nuestra Señora de la Fe

Easter Thursday evening is shared by “La humildad” procession with “La Columna” due to its chronology. It represents Jesus Christ with his hands tied and being crowned as the King of Jews. This throne is accompanied by “María Stma. de la Fe”.

“La humildad” has one of the greatest Roman military band of Spain. Close your eyes and listen to the music and you will be travelling to that ancient epoch in Rome.


  • Start time: 6.00 p.m. from the church of San Pablo
  • Arrival Time: Approximately 9’45 p.m. in the church of San Pablo


© Copyright - Unión de Cofradías de Semana Santa de Úbeda. Creado por Antonio José Jiménez Expósito
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