Cofradía del Santísimo Cristo de la Expiración y María Santísima de los Dolores

We have just seen “La Caída” going through “Plaza de Andalucía” when we need to hurry up to see the majestic leaving of “La Expiración and Mª Stma. delos Dolores” coming up to the main door of Trinidad church.
This procession shows the minutes before Jesus Christ dies crucified in the cross. Do not miss the arrival of this brotherhood to Plaza Vázquez de Molina.


  • Start time:  00.30 p.m. from the church of La Trinidad
  • Arrival Time: Approximately 4’00 p.m. in the church of Santa María


© Copyright - Unión de Cofradías de Semana Santa de Úbeda. Creado por Antonio José Jiménez Expósito
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