Unión Local de Cofradías de Semana Santa de Úbeda
Bajada de guiones
At 19,00p.m, different bands of drums and trumpets will be gathering at Plaza Vazquez de Molina to start the “Procesión General”.
The highlights at this time is at Plaza de Andalucía and also in Plaza Vázquez de Molina. Those moments are an explosion of different rhythms and music to announce that the “Procesión General” is about to start.
Procesión General
The majority of processions that have been on the streets on previous days are coming out again this evening, in order to form a chronology performance of the Jesus Christ passion and death. Ubeda’s streets will be an authentic spectacle of music and colors. From the yellow color of Easter Sunday until the darkest black of the mourning of the Easter Friday.
Every procession will accompany the “Santo Entierro”. It comes out at 22.00 p.m at night.
- Start time: 8.30 p.m. from the Plaza Vázquez de Molina